Vďaka finančnej podpore 5000 Eur od Bazar International de Charity A4 Rue Nicolas Petitl 2326 Luxemburg realizujeme projekt Paradise. Pri resocializačnom stredisku pre drogovo závislé osoby NÁVRAT-RDZO sme založili sad so 100 ks ovocných stromov a kríkov. Pomocou poľnohospodárkych malostrojov kultivujeme pôdu a pestujeme zeleninu pre potreby terapeutickej komunity.
Thanks to the finnancial support of 5000 Eur from Bazar International de Luxemburg A4 Rue Nicolas Petitl 2326 Luxemburg, we realize the project called Paradise. Next to our resocialization centre for drug addicts NÁVRAT-RDZO we set up an orchard consisting of 100 fruit trees and bushes. By using small agricultural machines we cultivate the land and grow vegetables for the needs of therapeutic community.
júl 20, 2018
Podpora Bazar International de Charity
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Vďaka finančnej podpore 5000 Eur od Bazar International de Charity A4 Rue Nicolas Petitl 2326 Luxemburg realizujeme projekt Paradise. Pri resocializačnom stredisku pre drogovo závislé osoby NÁVRAT-RDZO sme založili sad so 100 ks ovocných stromov a kríkov. Pomocou poľnohospodárkych malostrojov kultivujeme pôdu a pestujeme zeleninu pre potreby terapeutickej komunity.
Thanks to the finnancial support of 5000 Eur from Bazar International de Luxemburg A4 Rue Nicolas Petitl 2326 Luxemburg, we realize the project called Paradise. Next to our resocialization centre for drug addicts NÁVRAT-RDZO we set up an orchard consisting of 100 fruit trees and bushes. By using small agricultural machines we cultivate the land and grow vegetables for the needs of therapeutic community.